
apartment, Rõugu 32

255 000 €

Seda objekti vaatab hetkel 2 inimest

Object ID: 197018
Transaction: Sale, apartment
County: Pärnu maakond
City/county: Pärnu linn Ülejõe
Number of rooms: 4
Type of heating: central heating, air-conditioning
Year of construction: 2025
Readiness: New building project
Ownership form: apartment ownership
Total area: 112.20 m²
Cadastral register number: 62401:001:1704
Energy Class: B
Sale price: 255 000 €
Price per m²: 2 272.73 €

You can definitely get a sense of home here. A spacious courtyard, a large second floor balcony and a 25m2 terrace offer freedom of action and breathing space for all family members. Ideal for a family with children.

The house has been built with a focus on quality, both in terms of materials and occupant comfort. The Monier stone roof, the stone house and all the partitions are also made of stone. All the walls are concrete.
Modern and maintenance-free microcement flooring in the sanitary rooms and hallway, and hard-wearing LVT flooring in the living areas. Sound insulation is provided by Jeldwen internal doors with gaskets and PVC windows with triple glazing. The rooms are equipped with LED lighting and modern bench tops.

There is everything a modern home should have: a sauna, two toilets and a shower room, several storage rooms and a concrete staircase, covered with ash wood steps.

The heating solution is a heaven-sent: Gren central heating! To relieve the heat waves, an air conditioner has been providently installed in the stairwell on the second floor. And, of course, thermally controlled ventilation, which can be controlled from a remote control.

And what's more, there's a code lock on the front door - handy, no need to carry a key.
The house has a built-in electric car charger.

You can choose the sanitary ware that suits you: shower screens, basins and mixers. Included in the price is a unique stone roof and a garden with a gate.

A shopping centre and a nursery school are planned in the detailed plan next to the Hoburaua residential area, while a public green area is planned alongside. There will also be several playgrounds in the area.

There is an occupancy permit.
Relations with the neighbour are also transparent - a notarial usage agreement has already been established.
Door key codes and possession will be transferred on the day of the deal.

NB: The sale price includes VAT of 22%.

Additional info:

balcony, electricity, strip flooring, sauna, security door, shower, water, open kitchen, courtyard, central water, fenced area, entry from the street


Kasuta kodulaenu taotlusel sooduskoodi LVM ning kodulaenu lepingutasu on uusarenduse korral 0 € ja muul juhul 99 € (tavahind min 190 €). Lisaks on A energiaklassi varale intress üheks aastaks 0% + 6 kuu euribor. Kehtib kuni 31.12.2024.

Esita laenutaotlus siin

Lepingutasu 0 €. Pakkumine kehtib kuni 31.12.2024 Taotluse esitamisel märkige kampaaniakoodi lahtrisse LVM.

* Kodulaenu intressimäär kodulaenu ning A ja B-energiatõhususarvu klassiga objektide finantseerimisel on kuni 31.12.2024 alates 1,45%, millele lisandub 3/6/12 kuu euribor.

Esita laenutaotlus siin

0 € lepingutasu. Sooduskood “LVM”. Kehtib, kui varasemalt pole laenupakkumist küsitud.

Marginaal alates 1,35% tingimused:
* Kinnisvara peab olema ehitatud või renoveeritud alates 2000 aasta või uuem.
* Klient peab omama vähemalt kahte Luminor panga toodet.
* Sissetulek peab laekuma Luminori.

Kehtib kuni 31.12.2024.

Esita laenutaotlus siin

-50% soodustust lepingutasust. Esialgne otsus 24h jooksul. Sisesta sooduskood “LVM”.

* Nüüdsest pakutakse Rohelist kodulaenu ka B-energiaklassi varadele.
* Rohelaenu intress 1,69% + 6kuu euribor.

Esita laenutaotlus siin

0 € lepingutasu.

Kehtib LVM Kinnisvara vahendusel müüdavale kinnisvarale. Sooduskood CPLVM.

Esita laenutaotlus siin

Bigbankist laenu võttes on kliendile sooduskoodiga lepingutasu 0 €.

Kodulaenutaotlust täites panga lehel on kampaaniakood LVM2023

Esita laenutaotlus siin

Citadelest laenu võttes LVM klientidele sooduskoodiga LVMK100 on lepingutasu 0 €.

* Personaalne intress
* KredExi käendusega finantseerime kuni 95% tagatise väärtusest
* Esmane pakkumine ühe tööpäeva jooksul
* Roheline kodulaen ilma lepingutasuta Kehtib kuni 31.12.2024.

Innar Lanno

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