Object ID: | 187598 |
Transaction: | Sale, House |
County: | Harju maakond |
City/county: | Tallinn Haabersti linnaosa |
Number of rooms: | 6 |
Type of heating: | gas heating |
Readiness: | Renovated |
Ownership form: | registered immovable |
Total area: | 258.70 m² |
Area of plot: | 813 m² |
Cadastral register number: | 78406:611:4080 |
Energy Class: | D |
Sale price: | 1 230 000 € |
Price per m²: | 4 754.54 € |
A house by the sea! Sunsets on the terrace! Fireplace and sauna!
The house is located in the best possible location - the sea is right behind the garden. Soolahe tee 29 is the first built property from the sea, offering unobstructed views!
The first floor has a large terrace (20 m2) and a balcony (21 m2) overlooking the sea. There are two balconies on the second floor, one facing Kakumäe bay (15.6 m2) and the other facing the yard (2 m2). Balconies facing the sea also face the evening sun.
You can enjoy the warmth of the fireplace both on the first and the second floor.
Both floors have their own living room and kitchen. There are two bedrooms on the first floor and one on the second floor. In addition, washrooms and toilets on both floors (the second floor has a bathroom).
On the basement floor there are, among other things, a sauna, household rooms, boiler room, garage.
The yard is nice, landscaped and tidy. The property is accessible from both the street and the sea.
Both public transport and car users can easily access the Soolahe road. The nearest public transport stop is right at the end of the street. There are several kindergartens in the area. The nearest school is Rocca al Mare School and the nearest store is Kakumäe Selver.
According to the electronic building register (www.ehr.ee), the building has a class D energy label.
The closed net area also includes a garage and a sheltered yard. The property is encumbered with a lease.
You are invited to take a closer look of this beautiful home!
burglar alarm, balcony, bathtub, wardrobe, electricity, fireplace, refrigerator, sauna, shower, washing machine, water, separate WC, furnished kitchen, courtyard, fenced area
Kasuta kodulaenu taotlusel sooduskoodi LVM ning kodulaenu lepingutasu on uusarenduse korral 0 € ja muul juhul 99 € (tavahind min 190 €).
Esita laenutaotlus siinLepingutasu 0 €. Taotluse esitamisel märkige kampaaniakoodi lahtrisse LVM.
* Kodulaenu intressimäär kodulaenu ning A ja B-energiatõhususarvu klassiga objektide finantseerimisel on kuni 28.02.2025 alates 1,35%, millele lisandub 3/6/12 kuu euribor.
Esita laenutaotlus siin0 € lepingutasu. Sooduskood “LVM”. Kehtib, kui varasemalt pole laenupakkumist küsitud.
Marginaal alates 1,35% tingimused:
* Kinnisvara peab olema ehitatud või renoveeritud alates 2000 aasta või uuem.
* Klient peab omama vähemalt kahte Luminor panga toodet.
* Sissetulek peab laekuma Luminori.
-50% soodustust lepingutasust. Esialgne otsus 24h jooksul. Sisesta sooduskood “LVM”.
* Nüüdsest pakutakse Rohelist kodulaenu ka B-energiaklassi varadele.
* Rohelaenu intress 1,69% + 6kuu euribor.
0 € lepingutasu.
Kehtib LVM Kinnisvara vahendusel müüdavale kinnisvarale. Sooduskood CPLVM.
Esita laenutaotlus siinBigbankist laenu võttes on kliendile sooduskoodiga lepingutasu 0 €.
Kodulaenutaotlust täites panga lehel on kampaaniakood LVM2023
Esita laenutaotlus siinCitadelest laenu võttes LVM klientidele sooduskoodiga LVMK100 on lepingutasu 0 €.
* Personaalne intress
* KredExi käendusega finantseerime kuni 95% tagatise väärtusest
* Esmane pakkumine ühe tööpäeva jooksul
* Roheline kodulaen ilma lepingutasuta.
Tutvumispäeval saad broneerida Sind huvitava maja või korteri külastusaja ainult enda jaoks. Nii saad segamatult uue kodu äratundmisele keskenduda. Võta maakleriga ühendust ja lepi aeg kokku!