Object ID: | 196713 |
Transaction: | Sale, apartment |
County: | Harju maakond |
City/county: | Tallinn Kristiine linnaosa |
Floor: | 1 |
Number of rooms: | 2 |
Type of heating: | stove heating, electricalunderfloorheating |
Year of construction: | 1937 |
Ownership form: | apartment ownership |
Total area: | 25.10 m² |
Cadastral register number: | 78407:701:2692 |
Sale price: | 114 500 € |
Price per m²: | 4 561.75 € |
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Cozy 2-room apartment on a quiet and peaceful street, just a short walk from both the Old Town and Telliskivi Creative City.
The house, built in 1937, is located in a wooden building. The living room and bedroom windows face south, bringing a lot of light and warmth into the apartment. During colder winter days, the wood-burning stove adds extra coziness, and both the kitchen and hallway are equipped with underfloor heating.
The apartment features double plank flooring and double-glazed wooden windows in the living room and bedroom. The kitchen comes with everything you need: an electric stove, countertop, washing machine, and water heater.
There is a small courtyard behind the house, and the deal also includes a shared basement with a private storage unit.
The homeowners' association is active— the roof has been replaced, and facade renovation is planned in the future. Parking is free on the streets surrounding the house. The neighborhood is quiet and peaceful, making this apartment ideal if you're looking for a small home near the city center while valuing a calmer environment.
Feel free to reach out if you wish to see the apartment!
basement, bathtub, hot-water boiler, electricity, Furniture available, internet, stairwell locked, refrigerator, washing machine, water, public transportation
Kasuta kodulaenu taotlusel sooduskoodi LVM ning kodulaenu lepingutasu on uusarenduse korral 0 € ja muul juhul 99 € (tavahind min 190 €).
Esita laenutaotlus siinLepingutasu 0 €. Taotluse esitamisel märkige kampaaniakoodi lahtrisse LVM.
* Kodulaenu intressimäär kodulaenu ning A ja B-energiatõhususarvu klassiga objektide finantseerimisel on kuni 28.02.2025 alates 1,35%, millele lisandub 3/6/12 kuu euribor.
Esita laenutaotlus siin0 € lepingutasu. Sooduskood “LVM”. Kehtib, kui varasemalt pole laenupakkumist küsitud.
Marginaal alates 1,35% tingimused:
* Kinnisvara peab olema ehitatud või renoveeritud alates 2000 aasta või uuem.
* Klient peab omama vähemalt kahte Luminor panga toodet.
* Sissetulek peab laekuma Luminori.
-50% soodustust lepingutasust. Esialgne otsus 24h jooksul. Sisesta sooduskood “LVM”.
* Nüüdsest pakutakse Rohelist kodulaenu ka B-energiaklassi varadele.
* Rohelaenu intress 1,69% + 6kuu euribor.
0 € lepingutasu.
Kehtib LVM Kinnisvara vahendusel müüdavale kinnisvarale. Sooduskood CPLVM.
Esita laenutaotlus siinBigbankist laenu võttes on kliendile sooduskoodiga lepingutasu 0 €.
Kodulaenutaotlust täites panga lehel on kampaaniakood LVM2023
Esita laenutaotlus siinCitadelest laenu võttes LVM klientidele sooduskoodiga LVMK100 on lepingutasu 0 €.
* Personaalne intress
* KredExi käendusega finantseerime kuni 95% tagatise väärtusest
* Esmane pakkumine ühe tööpäeva jooksul
* Roheline kodulaen ilma lepingutasuta.
10. veebruaril kell 15.00
Tutvumispäeval saad broneerida Sind huvitava maja või korteri külastusaja ainult enda jaoks. Nii saad segamatult uue kodu äratundmisele keskenduda. Võta maakleriga ühendust ja lepi aeg kokku!